Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay

Run, Fight, or Adapt

What one study might point us toward

Tomm Carr
5 min readMay 12, 2024


Global Warming has been a major issue for about the last 35 years. By now it seems like hardly a day goes by that the public is not hit with a least one breathless warning of impending doom. It’s an “existential threat.” Within days, weeks, or just a few years at best, the human race will become extinct, alone with most or all of the other life on Earth.

And it’s all our fault.

You see, it’s not just “Global Warming.” It’s “Anthropogenic Global Warming.”

Meaning it’s all our fault.

The smoking gun at the base of this accusation is atmospheric CO2 that began rising around the beginning of the Industrial Age. The obvious source had to be our ever increasing reliance on fossil fuels: coal, natural gas and petroleum. The burning of these fuels release CO2 into the air.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas, so it is simple cause and effect. If we increase the greenhouse content of the atmosphere, we decrease the amount of the sun’s radiative heat that leaks back into space, thus increasing the temperature of the atmosphere.

The solution, however, is far from simple. The current level of human civilization was built, and is greatly dependent, upon the reliable availability of cheap energy. The greatest source of…



Tomm Carr

A retired software engineer who hates retirement with a passion. My hobbies are writing, economics, philosophy and futurism.